Pennergy – the Penn Center for Energy Innovation – was launched in September 2009 under the sponsorship of Penn’s Schools of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS) and Arts and Sciences (SAS), as well as from Penn’s Office of the Vice Provost for Research. The Center unites faculty and students from SEAS and SAS, but also from other Penn schools, and from neighboring Drexel and Temple Universities. Pennergy brings together world-class researchers to solve scientific and technological problems, enabling the efficient use of current energy sources, the practical use of more sustainable energy, and the facile conversion of energy to different forms. The Center researchers and educators integrate and share their knowledge through energy research, educational, and outreach activities that impact researchers, students, and our community.

Pennergy builds on strengths in the design, synthesis, fabrication, characterization, modeling, and device integration of novel nanostructured materials that direct the flow of energy and the transfer and transport of charge at the level of electrons and the dimensions of atoms. Pennergy researchers have made seminal contributions to the construction and assembly of single and multi-component nanoparticles and nanowires; molecular, supramolecular, and polymeric materials; as well as forming interfaces between hard and soft nanomaterials. The Center brings together leading groups in bio-mimetic energy research, translating Nature’s energy schemes into systems capable of meeting today’s and tomorrow’s energy needs.

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